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Best Doctor for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore

More than 3000 plus patients have trusted our doctors for their Appendicitis treatment. Dr. Manish Joshi, Dr. Wasim M Dar & Dr. Shabeer Ahmed have a combined experience of more than 60 years as Laparoscopic Surgeons and are considered to be one of the Best Doctors for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore.
Woman with Lower abdominal pain

Best Doctors for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore

With over twenty plus years of experience, our surgeons are one of the best in Bangalore. We offer the latest Laparoscopic Surgery for Appendicitis resulting in faster recovery and short hospital stay.

Dr. Manish Joshi

Senior Consultant - Surgical Gastroenterology, GI Oncology, HPB Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Robotic Surgery

MBBS, M.S. General Surgery, MRCS (Edinburgh),
DNB - Surgical Gastroenterology, FAIS, FICS, FACRSI, FHPB, FRCS (Glasgow)

Dr. Wasim M Dar

Chief General & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon, Member of Royal College (Eng / Glasg),

MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), MRCS (Eng) ,MRCS (Glasg), MFPM, RCPS (Glasg), FMAS, FAIS, Dip. Hernia Essentials(APHS), DMAS (Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery)

Dr. Shabeer Ahmed

Surgical Gastroenterologist, Colorectal Surgeon, General / Gastro Intestinal / Laparoscopic / Diabetic / Procto Surgeon.

M.S, FRCS (London), MMAS( Dundee)

What is Appendicitis?

Illustration of appendicitis
Picture a tiny worm-shaped pouch hanging off your intestine called the appendix. It's a mystery why we have it, but sometimes, this little guy throws a tantrum by getting inflamed. That's appendicitis, and it's not something you want to mess with.

If you are looking for the best doctors for appendicitis surgery in Bangalore, look no further than our doctors at Q Medical Center and Hospital.

Who's at risk for appendix?

Anyone can get appendicitis, but these folks are more likely to get invited:
Icon of Man on a commode
Teenagers & Young Adults
Appendicitis commonly affects individuals between the ages of 10 and 30
Buttock pain icon
Folks with family history
Genetics may play a role in predisposing individuals to appendicitis.
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They get slightly more invitations than women, but it's still pretty equal-opportunity pain.

Symptoms of Appendicitis

Recognizing the symptoms of appendicitis is crucial for prompt medical intervention. Common symptoms include:
appendicitis icon
Abdominal Pain
Typically starts around the navel and shifts to the lower right side of the abdomen.
loss of appetite icon
Loss of Appetite
Many patients experience a decrease in appetite accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Fever icon
Fever & Chills
Inflammation may lead to fever and chills as the body tries to fight off the infection.
diarrhea icon
Changes in Bowel Habits
Constipation or diarrhea may occur, often accompanied by abdominal bloating.
If you are having the above symptoms, please book an appointment with our doctors at Q Medical Center & Hospital. Dr. Manish Joshi and Dr. Wasim M Dar are considered to be one of the Best Doctor for Piles / Hemorrhoids in Bangalore.

How Appendicitis is diagnosed?

Diagnosing appendicitis involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Your doctor may perform the following:
Medical History

Medical History

The first step is an open and honest conversation with your doctor about your symptoms.
Clinical Examination

Physical Exam

Palpation of the abdomen to check for tenderness and signs of inflammation.
blood test icon

Blood & Urine Test

Elevated white blood cell count may indicate an infection. Urine test to rule out Urinary Tract infection.
Doppler Ultrasound

Imaging Tests

Ultrasound or CT scan may be performed to visualize the appendix and assess for signs of inflammation.
Putting the Pieces Together: Based on the information gathered from your medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests, your doctor will diagnose the severity of appendicitis. This allows them to tailor the most effective treatment plan to get you back to feeling your best, faster.

Laparoscopic Surgery for Appendicitis in Bangalore

Appendicitis is almost always treated as an emergency. Surgery to remove the appendix is called an appendectomy, It is a gold standard for treatment of appendicitis.

At Q Medical Center & Hospital, we offer two ways to do the surgery, Open Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Open surgery is conducted if the appendix has burst causing infection. 

For normal appendicitis, We use the latest and greatest laparoscopic technique, which means tiny incisions, faster recovery, and less scarring. At Q Medical Center, we have the Best Doctors for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore.
Here's how Laparoscopic Surgery works:

1. Our skilled surgeons make a few small cuts in your       

2. They insert a tiny camera and surgical tools through
    the incisions.

3. They gently remove the inflamed appendix.

4. They stitch you up with a few tiny stitches.
Laparoscopic surgeons in OT
Post Operative Care: You might stay in the hospital for a day or two, depending on how the surgery went. You'll likely have some pain, but we'll give you medication to make it manageable. You'll need to take it easy for a few weeks while your body heals. We'll give you detailed instructions on wound care, diet, and activities to avoid.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery

Happy Patients
Key Hole surgery icon

Key Hole Surgery

No Big Cut / 3 small incision access
No Pain icon

Less Pain & Discomfort

Faster return to normal activities
Short hospital stay icon

Short Hospital Stay

Lower hospitalization bills
Fast healing icon

Faster Healing

Get back your lifestyle
To get consultation from the Best Doctors for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore, click the call now button.

Why Choose Q Medical Center & Hospital?

NABH Certified icon

NABH Certified

You get Best in Class Treatment
Doctors icon

Experienced Doctors

Average experience of 20 plus years
Personalized care icon

Personalized Care

Tailored treatment plan to your needs
Affordable icon


Affordable world class care for you
Technology icon

Latest Technology

Latest Technology for your care
Insurance icon

Insurance & Cash Accepted

Most insurance are accepted

Book An Appointment

To consult our experts, you can book an appointment with us by clicking on the Call Now button below. We are available to book appointments from 9 am till 8 pm on all weekdays (Monday to Saturday). We have decent parking available. We also have a inbuilt pharmacy and diagnostics center. We also accept insurance from all major providers. Our center is NABH certified.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking about having an Appendicitis surgery in Bangalore? It's natural to have questions and concerns. Here, we answer some of the most common FAQs patients ask our doctors to help you feel informed and prepared:

In most cases, surgical removal of the inflamed appendix is necessary to prevent complications like a ruptured appendix.

No, appendicitis typically requires prompt medical intervention and surgical removal of the appendix.

Ignoring appendicitis can have serious and potentially life-threatening consequences. Here's what can happen:

1. Appendix Rupture: The most common complication of untreated appendicitis is a rupture. This occurs when the inflamed appendix bursts, spilling infectious pus and bacteria into the abdominal cavity.

2. Peritonitis: The spilled bacteria from a ruptured appendix can cause widespread inflammation of the abdominal lining, known as peritonitis. This is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.

3. Abscess Formation: In some cases, the body tries to wall off the inflamed appendix by forming an abscess. This can be painful and lead to other complications if not treated promptly.

As with all surgery, the main risks may include bleeding, infection, and injury to surrounding organs.

Recovery after appendicitis surgery is a crucial period that requires proper care and attention to ensure a smooth healing process. At Q Medical Center & Hospital, we prioritize your well-being and offer comprehensive postoperative care guidelines to support your recovery journey. Here's what you can expect:

Pain Management:

  • Medications: Your doctor will prescribe pain relievers to help manage discomfort during the initial days following surgery.
  • Pain Assessment: Our medical team will monitor your pain levels and adjust medications as needed to ensure your comfort.

Wound Care:

  • Incision Care: Proper care of surgical incisions is essential to prevent infection and promote healing.
  • Dressing Changes: Our nursing staff will provide instructions on how to change dressings and keep the incision sites clean and dry.
  • Monitoring for Signs of Infection: Watch for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, increased pain, or drainage from the incision sites, and notify your healthcare provider if you notice any concerning symptoms.

Diet and Nutrition:

  • Clear Liquid Diet: Initially, you may be advised to follow a clear liquid diet to allow your digestive system to rest and gradually resume normal function.
  • Transition to Solid Foods: As tolerated, you'll progress to a soft diet and then to regular foods over time. It's important to follow dietary recommendations provided by your healthcare team to avoid digestive discomfort.

Activity and Rest:

  • Gradual Resumption of Activities: While it's important to rest and allow your body to heal, gentle movement and walking are encouraged to prevent complications such as blood clots.
  • Avoiding Strenuous Activities: Refrain from lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous activities until cleared by your doctor.

Follow-Up Appointments:

  • Scheduled Check-ups: Your healthcare provider will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, remove stitches if necessary, and address any concerns or complications that may arise.
  • Communicate Any Issues: If you experience persistent pain, fever, or any unusual symptoms during your recovery, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider for guidance and support.

Emotional Support:

  • Coping with Recovery: Recovering from surgery can be physically and emotionally challenging. Seek support from family, friends, or a healthcare professional if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed during your recovery.

At Q Medical Center & Hospital, we're dedicated to providing personalized care and support to help you recover safely and comfortably after appendicitis surgery. Our experienced medical team is here to guide you every step of the way and ensure the best possible outcomes for your health and well-being. If you have any questions or concerns about your postoperative care, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your health is our priority!

Patients are advised to follow a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of fluids to promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Start with clear liquids and gradually progress to soft foods. Your doctor will advise you on your specific diet.

Many insurance plans cover laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of appendicitis. Patients are encouraged to check with their insurance provider for details regarding coverage and reimbursement.

At Q Medical Center & Hospital, we understand that cost is an important consideration for patients seeking piles/hemorrhoid surgery in Bangalore. The cost of surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure recommended by our expert doctors, the complexity of the case, and any additional medical services or facilities required during the treatment process.

We strive to provide transparent and affordable pricing for all our patients while ensuring the highest quality of care and safety standards. To obtain accurate information regarding the cost of Appendicitis surgery at our hospital, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our medical team.

During your consultation, our doctors will evaluate your condition, discuss treatment options, and provide detailed information about the anticipated costs involved. We believe in empowering our patients with comprehensive information to make informed decisions about their healthcare journey.

Additionally, our administrative staff is available to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding insurance coverage, payment options, and financial assistance programs that may be available to eligible patients.

At Q Medical Center & Hospital, your health and well-being are our utmost priorities. We are committed to providing exceptional care and support throughout your treatment experience. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards effective appendicitis surgery tailored to your needs.


Wait at least 4-6 weeks after surgery before resuming sexual activity. Start slowly and listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort, stop and consult your doctor.

Remember: This FAQ is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance concerning your Appendicitis treatment and potential surgical options.

We hope this FAQ has brought some clarity to your journey with Appendix surgery in Bangalore. Wishing you all the best for a smooth and successful recovery!

Best Doctors for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore

To consult Dr. Manish Joshi, Dr. Wasim M Dar and Dr. Shabeer Ahmed, Who are considered to be the Best Doctors for Appendicitis Surgery in Bangalore, Call the Q Medical Center & Hospital Reception by clicking the below button.
Disclaimer Statement : The contents of the website is not meant to replace an in-person consultation. Please follow the advise of your doctor via
in-person consultation. This website will not assume any legal responsibility for the patient’s medical condition.


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