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Best Doctor for Anal Fissure in Bangalore

More than 4000 plus patients have trusted our doctors for their Anal Fissure treatment. Dr. Manish Joshi, Dr. Wasim M Dar & Dr. Shabeer Ahmed have a combined experience of more than 60 years as a Surgeon and are considered to be one of the Best Doctors for Anal Fissure Treatment in Bangalore.

Best Doctors for Anal Fissure Treatment in Bangalore

With over twenty plus years of experience, our surgeons are one of the best in Bangalore. We offer range of Surgery for Anal Fissure resulting in faster recovery and short hospital stay.  

Dr. Manish Joshi

Senior Consultant - Surgical Gastroenterology, GI Oncology, HPB Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Robotic Surgery

MBBS, M.S. General Surgery, MRCS (Edinburgh),
DNB - Surgical Gastroenterology, FAIS, FICS, FACRSI, FHPB, FRCS (Glasgow)

Dr. Wasim M Dar

Chief General & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon, Member of Royal College (Eng / Glasg),

MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), MRCS (Eng) ,MRCS (Glasg), MFPM, RCPS (Glasg), FMAS, FAIS, Dip. Hernia Essentials(APHS), DMAS (Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery)

Dr. Shabeer Ahmed

Surgical Gastroenterologist, Colorectal Surgeon, General / Gastro Intestinal / Laparoscopic / Diabetic / Procto Surgeon.

M.S, FRCS (London), MMAS( Dundee)

What is Anal Fissure?

An Anal Fissure is a small tear or cut in the lining of the anus, which is the opening at the end of the digestive tract where stool leaves the body. This condition can cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements. It is often caused by the passage of hard or large stools, and it can be uncomfortable. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and sometimes medications to help heal the fissure and relieve symptoms.

In some cases, medical interventions such as topical medications or surgical procedures may be recommended to promote healing and alleviate symptoms. It's important for individuals experiencing persistent or severe symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

Symptoms of Anal Fissure

The symptoms of an anal fissure can vary depending on the type and location of the fissure. Common symptoms include: Pain, Swelling ,Discomfort ,bleeding, Itching.

Diagnosis of Anal Fissure

At Q Medical Center & Hospital, our approach to diagnosing anal fissures involves employing advanced diagnostic techniques, including a comprehensive physical examination and, if necessary, imaging studies. Our healthcare professionals, often led by experienced colorectal specialists, utilize these methods to accurately assess the nature and extent of the anal fissure.

The diagnostic process typically begins with a thorough medical history review, during which patients are asked about symptoms such as persistent anal pain, bleeding, and discomfort during bowel movements. Additionally, the healthcare provider may inquire about any history of infections, constipation, or other relevant bowel conditions.

The physical examination is a crucial step in the diagnostic journey. It allows the healthcare professional to inspect the anal area for signs of a fissure, such as tears or cuts in the lining. This examination helps in confirming the presence of an anal fissure and determining its characteristics.

Treatment Options

At Q Medical Centre & Hospital, we offer a range of treatment options tailored to each patient's unique condition.

Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy

Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS) is a surgical procedure commonly used to treat certain conditions related to the anal sphincter, specifically in cases of chronic anal fissures. An anal fissure is a tear or crack in the lining of the anal canal, and it can cause pain, bleeding, and discomfort during bowel movements.

The primary goal of a lateral internal sphincterotomy is to relieve the pressure on the anal sphincter muscle, promoting healing of the fissure and reducing the risk of recurrence. The procedure involves making a small incision or cut in the internal anal sphincter muscle, which is the muscle responsible for maintaining the tone and tightness of the anal canal.


Fissurectomy is a surgical procedure designed to address chronic anal fissures, which are painful tears or cracks in the lining of the anal canal.
During a fissurectomy, a surgeon removes fibrous or scar tissue around the fissure, aiming to facilitate healing and alleviate discomfort. The procedure may involve local, regional, or general anesthesia, depending on the patient and surgeon's preference. Recovery is generally quicker compared to other surgical options, with postoperative care focusing on promoting healing through measures such as good hygiene, stool softeners, and a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation.
Individualized recommendations from healthcare professionals guide the decision-making process for this procedure.

Anal Fissure Surgery in Bangalore

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions regarding any medications you should continue or stop before undergoing anal fissure surgery.

During the procedure, the surgeon evaluates the internal opening of the fissure and may perform additional techniques, such as a fissurectomy (removal of the fissure) or other procedures tailored to the specific characteristics of the fissure. The goal is to promote healing and alleviate symptoms.

After addressing the fissure, the wound is intentionally left open to heal gradually. In some cases, the surgeon may pack the wound with gauze to aid in the healing process. This open approach allows for proper drainage and reduces the risk of complications.

Why Choose Q Medical Center & Hospital?

NABH Certified

You get Best in Class Treatment

Experienced Doctors

Average experience of 20 plus years

Personalized Care

Tailored treatment plan to your needs


Affordable world class care for you

Latest Technology

Latest Technology for your care

Insurance & Cash Accepted

Most insurance are accepted

Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking about having Anal Fistsure surgery in Bangalore? It's natural to have questions and concerns. Here, we answer some of the most common FAQs patients ask our anal fistula surgeons to help you feel informed and prepared:

Diagnosis typically involves a thorough medical history review and physical examination by our experienced healthcare professionals. Advanced diagnostic techniques, including imaging studies and endoscopy, may also be employed for a comprehensive assessment.

The recovery period varies but generally takes a few weeks. Our healthcare team will provide detailed post-operative care instructions to support a smooth healing process.

Your surgeon will provide specific dietary guidelines. Generally, a diet rich in fiber and hydration is recommended to prevent constipation, promoting comfortable bowel movements.

Our procedures are performed under anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Post-surgery, pain management strategies will be discussed to minimize discomfort during the recovery period.

Surgery is usually considered if conservative measures are ineffective. Your healthcare provider will evaluate your symptoms and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for your specific case.

Remember: This FAQ is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance concerning your anal fissure and potential surgical options.

We hope this FAQ has brought some clarity to your journey with Incisional anal fissure in Bangalore. Wishing you all the best for a smooth and successful recovery!

Best Doctors for Anal Fissure in Bangalore

To consult Dr . Shabber Ahmed or Dr. Manish Joshi , Who are considered to be the Best Doctors for Anal Fissure Surgery in Bangalore, Call the Q Medical Center & Hospital Reception by clicking the below button.

Book An Appointment

To consult our experts, you can book an appointment with us by clicking on the Call Now button below. We are available to book appointments from 9 am till 8 pm on all weekdays (Monday to Saturday). We have decent parking available. We also have a inbuilt pharmacy and diagnostics center. Our center is NABH certified.
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Disclaimer Statement : The contents of the website is not meant to replace an in-person consultation. Please follow the advise of your doctor via
in-person consultation. This website will not assume any legal responsibility for the patient’s medical condition.


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